
swift | | Symphony Advanced Media finds women using Twitter were more engaged with 2014 Oscars broadcast

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The evening of March 2 was a big night for Hollywood’s brightest, but it also shed some important new light on women’s media behavior.

That was of course Oscar swift casino no deposit bonusnight, and research performed by Symphony Advanced Media (SymphonyAM) found that not only was the broadcast the most Twitter-worthy event thus far for U.S. women in 2014, but also that women who were using Twitter while they watched the Oscars viewed the show 39 percent longer than others (83 minutes vs. 60 minutes).

The Oscars drew a significantly swift casino reviewshigher rate of females using Twitter while watching a “big event” broadcast: 7.4 percent for the Oscars, versus 4.4 percent of women watching the Grammy Awards show (Jan. 26), and 3.1 percent of those viewing Super Bowl XLVIII (Feb. 2).

Symphony AM uses a new tracking method known as passive single-source tracking, which records Swift Casinothe actual viewing behavior of individuals rather than capturing that by household.

Studying the television viewing behaviors of Twitter users and others will provide valuable insights to marketers, which can be used to enhance both their mobile and broadcast TV advertising programs, as well as ones that coordinate promotional messages with both media Swift Casinoat the same time. Learn more about Symphony Advanced Media at